perm filename CHARS.O[AM,DBL] blob sn#500071 filedate 1980-04-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: MORGOT	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 306/306
C00011 00003	Name: EMTWAN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 2239/2035
C00020 00004	Name: REINA  	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 719/654
C00026 ENDMK
Name: MORGOT	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 306/306
Class: Cler/MU  Level: 1/1  		Alignment: N.G.    	Race: Half-Elf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   12           12          15         16            11          15

Hits: 	11
	      7/4       		(+2 CON; +3 Cat)

Gold: Owes Llarn 400 for plate; 93     Gold carried: 13g,80g gem
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 4%         
Adjusted weight: 1250		       Extra weight allowed: 100

Armor class: 2              (2 Plate&shield)

Saving throws:     Poison 11  Wands 12  Stone 13  Dragon 16  Spells 14  (WIS bonus +1)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             18  16  14  13  12  11   9   8   6   1d8        1d12         3    5
Long Bow               17  15  14  12  10   8   7   6   5   1d6        1d6
[Ranseur	       20  18  17  15  14  13  12  11   9   2d4        2d4    ]

Cleric Spells taken in:
	1st (3): Heal, Heal, Command

MU Spells taken in:
	1st (1): Sleep

Magic items:  
	Familiar: Black Cat: 3hp, AC7, superior hearing, v. good night vision
	2 arrows with Magic Mouths (Breathing, Footsteps)
	2 tiny pebbles with Magic Mouths on them (Fireball, Lighteningbolt noises)
	Fake wand with button, with 2 magic mouths:
	   One buzzes if the button is pushed.
	Ring with MU continual light
	5 magic mouths on sword:
	   If holder says "Say something, Dragonslayer"
	   Then reply "I'm not talking to you anymore! You wouldn't encrust my
		hilt! nor find any dragons for me to kill! 
		Let this one be my new owner, choad!"
	   If last MM fires, and a new creature picks you up and talks to you,
   	   Then reply "Let's not talk with that turkey around!  Take me somewhere
		private and I'll tell you about myself!"
	   If the last MM fires, and the wielder is no longer in sight of party,
	 	and he talks to the sword again,
	   Then reply, "I am intelligent and have high ego, am normally +1, except
		+6/+6 against dragons; I speak common and protect from demon V's.
		I only speak on days when I'm encrusted with 1000g worth of gems.
		I'll talk to you again then.  My last owner wouldn't do it. Bye.
		[This takes two of the 5 magic mouths to say all that]
	   If the new owner is in sight of a live, nonsubdued dragon,
	   Then say "At last! Let me at this sucker! We can do this alone!
		I've fought tougher dragons by myself! Let's get in there!"

   Carried (slung):     50' rope       	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			3 L. sacks	3 sm. sacks	1 empty sack
   Quiver:		10 silv arrows  10 arrows       6 flame arrows
   Bandelero of:        2 Holy Water  	6 special arrows and ranseur
                        3 Oil flasks	4 Torches        1 Iron Cross   
			1 Tinderbox     2 Iron Spikes    3 Wooden darts
   Worn around neck: 	1 Cross        	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			9 Oil  		9 Candles      	1 week's rations
			1 Silver mirror	4oz baking soda	1 sm. sack of dust
			4 half-pound packages of raw meat (2 poisoned)
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		Light Horse, Giant syringe in shape of a lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. darts 	48 norm. darts  1 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 merman's javelin
			1 container of each: ink, oil, blood, holy water, poison
			(containers can be directly inserted into syringe)

E.P. Bonus: None
Sword Attack bonus: +1 (for CLER)
Dart Attack bonus: +1 (for CLER)
Will: Each item will be diced for by characters who may use it.
	My gold shall be distributed equally to all characters in the whole
	campaign. If a party tried to ress. me, they get reimbursed first.
System shock: 95%		Resurrection: 96%

Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead
30% resistant to sleep and charm
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin,
	orc, gnoll, common tongue

Spells known: [65%; 7-11]
	1st: Phantasmal Forces, Change Self, Color Spray, Audible Glamer,
	     Det Illusion, Det Invis, Wall of Fog, Hypnotism, Gaze Reflect

	Pickpocket	    45%  (caught:  66%)
	Open locks	    49%
	Locate/remove Traps 40%
	Move silently	    36%
	Hide in shadows	    37%
	Hear noise	    20%
	Climb walls	    71%
	Read languages	     0%
	Detect slopes	    80%
	Detect unsafe walls,
	 ceiling, or floor  70%
	Determine depth	    60%
	Determine direction 50%
Name: EMTWAN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 2239/2035
Class: Th/Illus	Level: 2/1  		Alignment: N.E.E.E.	Race: Gnome

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   9            16          10          11           18           8

Hits: 	7 
	      5/4   5/ 

Gold: 110 			       Gold carried: 10g,100g gem
Doors: 1-2    			       Bars/gates: 2%         
Weight: 500

Armor class: 7+4            (7 Leather&shield; 4 DEX mod)

Saving throws:     Poison 13  Wands 11  Stone 10  Dragon 16  Spells 12  (CON bonus +3)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             19  17  15  14  13  12  11   9   7   1d8        1d12         3    5
Dart                   19  17  15  13  11   9   7   7   5   1d3        1d2      1.5/3/4.5

+1 to hit goblins and kobolds
-4 from enemy attack by gnolls, ogres, giants, titans, bugbears, trolls

Spells taken in:
	1st (1): Phantasmal Forces

Magic items:  
	Container of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite.
	100g gem with clerical continual light         
	2 darts with Magic Mouths (Breathing, Footsteps)
	2 tiny pebbles with Magic Mouths on them (Fireball, Lighteningbolt noises)
	Fake wand with button, with 2 magic mouths:
	   One buzzes if the button is pushed.
	   One screams "It's just an illusion! Don't believe it!"
	   	if an illusion/phantasm is thrown against Emtwan or his party.
	5 magic mouths on sword:
	   If holder says "Say something, Dragonslayer"
	   Then reply "I'm not talking to you anymore! You wouldn't encrust my
		hilt! nor find any dragons for me to kill! 
		Let this one be my new owner, choad!"
	   If last MM fires, and a new creature picks you up and talks to you,
   	   Then reply "Let's not talk with that turkey around!  Take me somewhere
		private and I'll tell you about myself!"
	   If the last MM fires, and the wielder is no longer in sight of party,
	 	and he talks to the sword again,
	   Then reply, "I am intelligent and have high ego, am normally +1, except
		+6/+6 against dragons; I speak common and protect from demon V's.
		I only speak on days when I'm encrusted with 1000g worth of gems.
		I'll talk to you again then.  My last owner wouldn't do it. Bye.
		[This takes two of the 5 magic mouhts to say all that]
	   If the new owner is in sight of a live, nonsubdued dragon,
	   Then say "At last! Let me at this sucker! We can do this alone!
		I've fought tougher dragons by myself! Let's get in there!"

Currently: inside the "Shield of Morak" artifact
   Carried (slung):     50' rope       	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			3 L. sacks	3 sm. sacks	Thieving tools
			1 Long Sword	1 wooden shield w/embedded darts
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	6 special darts 2 Daggars
                        9 Oil flasks	9 Darts         16 Silver darts   
			1 Tinderbox     2 Iron Spikes    3 Wooden darts
   Sack containing:	9 Torches       9 capped, wrapped poison darts
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			9 Oil  		9 Candles      	1 week's rations
			1 Silver mirror	4oz baking soda	1 sm. sack of dust
			4 half-pound packages of raw meat (2 poisoned)
			3 shells & pea	1 Flute		10 juggling balls
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		Light Horse, Giant syringe in shape of a lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. darts 	48 norm. darts  2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 captured l. sword
			1 container of each: ink, oil, blood, holy water, poison
			(containers can be directly inserted into syringe)

E.P. Bonus: Thief 10%  Illusionist 0%
Sword Attack bonus: 0
Dart Attack bonus: +3 (for DEX)
Will: Each item will be diced for by characters who may use it.
	My gold shall be distributed equally to all characters in the whole
	campaign. If a party tried to ress. me, they get reimbursed first.
System shock: 70%		Resurrection: 75%

Striking from behind: Double damage  (extra +4 on attack if with surprise)
Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead
+3 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
Speaks: Thieves' cant, alignment, dwarvish, gnome, halfling, goblin,
	kobold, common tongue, burrowing mammal (mole, badger, squirrel, etc)

Spells known: [65%; 7-11]
	1st: Phantasmal Forces, Change Self, Color Spray, Audible Glamer,
	     Det Illusion, Det Invis, Wall of Fog, Hypnotism, Gaze Reflect

	Pickpocket	    45%  (caught:  66%)
	Open locks	    49%
	Locate/remove Traps 40%
	Move silently	    36%
	Hide in shadows	    37%
	Hear noise	    20%
	Climb walls	    71%
	Read languages	     0%
	Detect slopes	    80%
	Detect unsafe walls,
	 ceiling, or floor  70%
	Determine depth	    60%
	Determine direction 50%
Name: REINA  	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 719/654
Class: Cleric/Ranger	Level: 1/1     	Alignment: C.G.		Race: Half-Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   16           14          16          15           12          16

Hits: 	8 

Gold: 200  			       Gold carried: 20g, 180 in gems
Doors: 1-3    			       Bars/gates: 10%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +350

Armor class: 2

Saving throws:     Poison 11  Wands 12  Stone 14  Dragon 15  Spells 15

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             18  16  14  13  12  11  10   8   6   1d8+1      1d12+1       3    5
2-Handed sword         14  13  12  11   9   8   7   8   8   1d10+1     3d6+1        6    1
Firm Long Bow          17  15  14  12  10   8   7   6   5   1d6+1      1d6+1      7/14/21
[Lance (Heavy horse)   16  15  15  14  13  13  12  12  11   2d4+2      3d6+1        1    8]

Extra +1 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres

Spells taken in:
	1st (3): Heal, Command, Fear

Magic items:  
	Rings with clerical continual light (inside) and darkness
	2 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Chant, Footsteps
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Fake wand with button, magic mouthed to hum if pushed.
	+1 daggar (borrowed from Adriana)

   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin holy wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum 	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	Long Sword      1 10' pole
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy Water  	4 Spikes 	2 oils
   Sack containing: 	1 Oil flasks	7 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	15 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 Oil  		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (21hp), Plate barding (AC3), Lance
   In saddlebags:	24 silv. arrows	24 norm. arrows 8 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 first aid kit
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations

E.P. Bonus:  10/0
Sword Attack bonus: +1 (for FTR)
Bow Attack bonus:   +1 (for FTR)
Will:  Choice of stuff goes to any Rangers; then others may choose what they
	(the rangers) cannot use.   All my gold goes to charity, however.
System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%

Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin,
	orc, gnoll, common tongue
30% resistant to sleep and charm

Can surprise on 1-3
Only surprised on a 1

    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
	Normal passage or room		65%
	Through door or stairs		55%
	Through trap door		45%
	Through secret door		25%
	Base chance to track is		       90%
	For each creature over 1 tracked add	2%
	For each 24hrs that have elapsed add  -10%
	For each hour of rain/snow add        -25%